Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 10, 2008

Miss Maggie Mae

When we first started dating, I remember Josh saying that if a girl couldn't love his dog, he couldn't love her...luckily he found a crazy animal lover like himself :-) Josh got Maggie when she was just a puppy, and she has been his baby girl for 8 years! Needless to say, Maggie has become my baby, too. There's nothing better than the welcome a Lab gives you every day when you walk through the door. No matter what mood we're in - she can always make us smile.

When we got back from our honeymoon, our precious baby girl Maggie (ok - so she's a dog, but she's OUR baby) had lost 10 pounds. She looked terrible - she was so frail with her ribs and backbone showing - and we were devastated.

We took her to the vet immediately and they said she has one of two conditions. (1) Autoimmune Disorder of the Lymphnodes or
(2) Lymphoma :-( Neither is good, but the autoimmune disorder is the lesser of two evils. Maggie's currently on Prednisone, and depending on her response and weight gain, will help determine what she is suffering from. We are waiting until the end of the week for an answer...keep her in your doggy prayers! We'll keep you posted.

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