Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 1, 2010

Some Things We Never Outgrow

Today would have been my Papa's birthday. He was such a great Christian man and an amazing grandpa that went to every softball and basketball game I ever played. He was funny, charming and believed in doing the right thing. Papa was truly thankful for every day he had on this earth.

There are so many things I remember vividly about of my favorite things was his smile - he would always get a big goofy grin on his face when he was trying to make us laugh. His favorite color was red and he quite often sported a red blazer to church. He made a mean peanut brittle. He loved to watch wresting. He always smelled a bit like Vapo Rub, and he loved his grandchildren.

I miss him a little bit every day - we were very close and losing him had a huge impact on my life. It's strange that the biggest life lesson he taught me was during his last days. I was in Junior High and I remember being at my grandparents house visiting Papa when he was in his Hospice bed. After we talked with Meme and Papa for a while, I told my mom we needed to get going because I was in a hurry to get to some unimportant teenage event. Little did I know that was the last time I'd see him. The last time I'd smell that VapoRub and the last time I'd feel his frail arms around my neck.

I always feel sad about that day - being so rushed - but Papa taught me so many great things in life, I know he wouldn't want me to dwell in regret. And at least I was THERE that day, with him, not anywhere else. I got to see him that one last time. More than anything, I wish he could have met Josh and played baseball with Grayson. They would have LOVED him!

They say grandgathers are someone we never outgrow our need for, and that is so incredibly true, but I know my Papa is always watching over me - and smiling that big silly grin as he watches us grow.

1 comment:

Jennifer T said...

aww andrea, that brought tears to my grandpa was one of my best friends as well...and it is very true, we never outgrow the need for our grandpas...i miss mine every single day! im sure your papa is watching over you with a big grin! have a great week!


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